What is a solitaire ring and what is it for?

Many are customers who approach jewelry stores in search of a solitaire ring. However, few are the ones who really know what this precious and precious jewel means and what we usually use it for. If you want to surprise your partner with the perfect engagement ring. It is important to know the concepts and nuances of each piece.

Next, in this article, we explain what a solitaire ring is and what it is for. Knowing the secrets of this piece of high jewelry, you will be able to choose the perfect solitaire ring to leave your partner speechless. Take note!

What is a solitaire ring?

Although “solitary” rings are one of the most gifted and acquired jewels, not everyone knows exactly what this piece is about. To begin with, when talking about solitaire we are explaining the way in which a brilliant is set, that is, any jewel that has a single stone is called a solitaire. We can find them in earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or cufflinks for men. However, the quintessential star piece is the solitaire ring, since it is the engagement ring.

Solitaire Ring Features

The solitaire ring is a simple jewel, made up of a metal ring, usually white or yellow gold, and a stone embedded in it. This stone is usually a precious stone such as a diamond, ruby, emerald, or sapphire, or semi-precious such as pearl, amethyst, malachite, or topaz, among others.

Once the ring and the stone have been selected, the options and designs are endless. Since the stones can be cut in different shapes (oval, heart, emerald, pear-shaped…). And the color will vary depending on the stone chosen to create the ring.

If you want to make the right purchase of the solitaire ring. You must take into account some aspects of your partner, such as the size of the hand and the fingers where it will be worn or the tone of the skin. These characteristics, in addition to your partner’s own taste, will determine how the perfect engagement ring should be. Remember, on the other hand, that, although this jewel is not intended for daily use. It must adapt perfectly to the finger of the receiving hand to prevent it from moving or getting lost. The solitaire ring is designed to be worn at any event. As a symbol of commitment between the couple.

What is the solitaire ring for?

The solitaire ring is a piece of jewelry that has a long history behind it. Traditionally, it symbolizes the commitment and fidelity between a couple, and for this reason. It has become an essential element in any request for a hand. The engagement ring is the first step toward marriage.

On the other hand, the diamond set in it represents purity and strength, two concepts directly related to commitment.

History of the solitaire ring

To find the first solitaire rings we must go back to the year 1477, when Maximilian I of Austria, King of the Romans and Holy Roman Emperor, decided to marry Mary of Burgundy. In order to show his power and close the deal, he gave her a metal ring set with a diamond.

This is considered the first engagement ring in history and, without a doubt, marked a before and after in the history of jewelry. This gesture by Maximilian I of Austria has become a tradition and a symbol. Well, there is no self-respecting bride who does not receive her solitaire ring in her request for a hand.

How to choose the perfect solitaire ring

Now that you know what the solitaire ring is and what it is used for. You must take into account certain aspects to choose the engagement ring that will leave your soul mate speechless. If you want to hit, the main thing is to know perfectly the hand where it will be placed. Skin type and tone are important characteristics. But you can’t go wrong with the size. Try to measure her fingers in a subtle way or borrow another ring that you know fits perfectly for reference.

On the other hand, in jewelry, you must select the type of metal ring. And the stone that will best suit your hand, also taking into account your own tastes. Selecting a personalized ring is a way to be able to hit the mark, recreating your love in the form of a ring. Remember that the solitaire is intended to be a symbol of commitment. So we recommend opting for an exclusive and elegant piece, adapted to the style of the hand that will receive it: classic, daring, sophisticated, or avant-garde models

Keep in mind that the solitaire ring will be the protagonist of one of the most emotional, and exciting. And romantic moments of your life and will begin a new path to travel as a couple. Make it special by betting on a solitaire ring that perfectly represents what your relationship symbolizes and is a reflection of what your soulmate is like.