The Best Way to Store Clothes

Now that we enjoy lighter nights and warmer days, it’s finally time to fold those winter clothes and store them for several months. What is the best way to store all wool and thick fabric jumpers? You don’t want them to collect dust and smell musty when it’s time to warmly wrap back up again. Here are a few tips for your clothes so they are good to go when Autumn arrives:

  1. Clean them first

Before putting clothes away for storage, always make sure the clothes are freshly washed and dry. Do not be tempted to throw clothes in the wardrobe until the clothes are completely dry. Storing damp or dirty clothes will only be more attractive to moths!

  1. Don’t be tempted to iron

You might think clothes need to be ironed before storing but don’t do it and keep clothes away from starch. Starch and ironing can weaken the fabric, making it more prone to tear.

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  1. The correct storage container is the key

The best material to use is plastic and not wood, cardboard or paper. Plastics are moisture resistant and better at preventing pests. Cardboard and paper products actually contain chemicals that can cause damage to the fabric. The cardboard box also attracts certain pests that are interested in the glue protein used at the edge of the box. Plastic boxes also don’t have to be airtight perfectly, because some fabrics benefit from a little breathing.

  1. Stay cool

Do not store clothes in a warm place, such as direct sunlight or too close to central heating. They must also be stored in a place that does not easily get damp. A fitted wardrobe is the perfect place to store clothing in a neat, organised and cool environment. For more information, view the range of Fitted Wardrobes Hampshire from

  1. Special care items

If you store unusual materials or very valuable items, make sure they are wrapped in acid-free paper to protect them and prevent excessive tangles or creasing.

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  1. Long term storage

If you are going to store items for a long time, such as wedding dresses, acid-free storage boxes are the best choice. For clothing which will be stored for more than a few seasons, it is a good idea to take it out twice a year and fold it back along different lines. This is also a good way to keep an eye out for signs of damage or wear and tear.

  1. Vacuum packaging

Vacuum packaging is a great idea to protect from moisture, mould, insects, dirt and dust. They are also very useful for saving your space. You can also use it for large objects such as pillows and blankets. However, do not use vacuum packaging for natural fibres such as wool, because these fibres need to breathe.